1. The Coffee Can

    Folgers coffee ran a campaign that really hit home for me and there was very little coffee involved in the commercial.  The family wrote something on a piece of tape, which they stuck to the coffee can.  The word on the tape was a product they desired, such as a new baseball glove, and the…

  2. Once in a Lifetime…

    Did you watch the SpaceX launch on May 30, 2020?  I did!  I know the world is hurting right now, but let’s take a moment to appreciate the magnitude of the launch.  According to pre-launch interviews, SpaceX had been working toward this moment for about 20 years and it’s really just the beginning.  Elon Musk,…

  3. The Popcorn Matters

    If we can find any positive in this pandemic it would be the outpouring of support for local businesses.  One of the first things I learned in college was that 90% of the USA Economy was small businesses.  Of course, the number is probably different now as that lecture was 20 years ago, but the…

  4. A Matter of Time

    When I study wealthy entrepreneurs of our past and present they all have one thing in common:  They are experts in time management.  They understand it to be their most valuable asset as we have a limited supply of time in our lives.  Time management is learned well before their wealth is obtained. Hiring employees…

  5. The Entertainment Economy Continued

    Last month I claimed that we live in an entertainment economy.  Let’s expand on that as I think we need to be careful.  I’m writing to myself as well because I like to be entertained too.  As we try all of these experiences, we can start losing our value system regarding our money.  It’s easy…

  6. The Entertainment Economy

    We’ve all heard that the American economy is the greatest in the world.  While that may be true, it’s important to understand the type of economy in which we live.  Like other countries centuries ago, we started as an agricultural economy.  The Industrial Revolution then gave us many technological advances which we take for granted…

  7. The Food Conspiracy

    For years a statement has been on social media criticizing fast food restaurants for pricing their salads higher than their burgers.  The statement implied these restaurants only wanted the wealthy to be healthy; leaving the middle class to fight obesity alone.  Initially, I agreed because I compared it to healthcare costs.  If a product relates…

  8. Risk Avoidance

    Recently, I purchased a Nintendo Switch.  By no means am I a “gamer,” but I do enjoy playing games.  It’s actually great exercise for my fingers, which is a bonus because I’m always looking for creative ways to do physical therapy.  At $299, some may think it no big deal, but for me it was…

  9. The Tough Decision…Let’s Go Canes!

    When working with clients on cash flow management, we talk about making the tough decision.  I bring in the concept of Opportunity Cost, used by businesses to justify expenses today by showing the value they may bring tomorrow.  Simply, you’re comparing what you’re giving up (money) with what you’re gaining (maybe entertainment).  If the value…

  10. Advertising Appreciation

    My sister is doing a marketing seminar later this month and I have been her consultant on the subject.  As a business nerd I am interested in marketing because it is vital to the success of a business.  How would the consumer know a business existed without marketing?  Advertising allows us to learn about new…

Jonathan Greeson is located west of 117 and south of E. Main St.
Jonathan Greeson is located west of 117 and south of E. Main St.

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100 West Main St.
Pikeville, NC 27863
