1. How do Retirement Accounts Work?

    One of my dear friends asked me about retirement accounts.  He didn’t want to know what we invested in, but how the system of investing works.  The question was different for me because I am normally talking about our investing products, not how it all works. I’m used to seeing eyes glaze over as I…

  2. How Sports Betting Works

    In the last blog post, we discussed the differences between sports betting and investing.  I hope it helped ease your concerns on both topics.  Of course, as when you try to invest on your own, it’s important that we learn some basics on sports betting. I won’t even use someone’s Netflix password because it feels…

  3. Investing vs. Gambling

    Finally, sports betting will be legal in North Carolina on March 11!  Gambling on sports is nothing new.  We’ve all participated in our office pools.  I remember filling out March Madness brackets as far back as seventh grade, with each game being worth around a quarter. A perfect bracket was worth about thirty dollars, which…

  4. Roth IRAs, Elections, and Good Vs. Evil

    Instead of using an entire post for my 2024 outlook, I wanted to talk about Roth IRAs.  More specifically, we’re going to look at how a Roth IRA is a tool in the battle between good and evil.  Sounds crazy, right?  Just bear with me. As Christians, we know that battle is over because Jesus…

  5. What is the maximum contribution?

    Are you making the maximum contribution to your retirement plan?  More often than not, when I talk to prospective clients, the resistance people give me sounds something like this.  “Jonathan, I already make the maximum contribution to my retirement plan at work, so there’s nothing else I can do.” Normally, I accept the subtle rejection…

  6. Face Your Fears

    We’re always told to face our fears.  Of course, it’s easier said than done.  When we are unable to face our fears does that make us a coward?  The last thing we want is for our families, friends, or even strangers to think poorly of us.  After all, we have our reputation to protect, right?…

  7. Strike! Strike! Strike!

    Striking for independence. I’m not a fan of strikes or any protests if I’m being honest.  Sure, I see their value and how they need to happen, but I wish there was a better way.  With the technology we have today there has to be a more efficient way to negotiate. Please understand I am…

  8. Where Should I Invest?

    “Where should I invest” is one of the most common questions people ask me. It seems simple enough, but it’s really a loaded question.  Honestly, I could lose my license by answering the question before gathering more information from a person.  Ethically, and legally as I am a fiduciary, your best interest is my top…

  9. When Should You Invest?

    “When should I invest?”  That is one of the first questions I’m asked when I tell people I am a CFP® Professional.  Of course, they are asking from an economic view hoping to maximize their return on investment.  Unfortunately, I cannot give them a definitive answer because I’m not a fortune teller. I’ve often wondered…

Jonathan Greeson is located west of 117 and south of E. Main St.
Jonathan Greeson is located west of 117 and south of E. Main St.

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100 West Main St.
Pikeville, NC 27863
