1. How Sports Betting Works

    In the last blog post, we discussed the differences between sports betting and investing.  I hope it helped ease your concerns on both topics.  Of course, as when you try to invest on your own, it’s important that we learn some basics on sports betting. I won’t even use someone’s Netflix password because it feels…

  2. What is the maximum contribution?

    Are you making the maximum contribution to your retirement plan?  More often than not, when I talk to prospective clients, the resistance people give me sounds something like this.  “Jonathan, I already make the maximum contribution to my retirement plan at work, so there’s nothing else I can do.” Normally, I accept the subtle rejection…

  3. Face Your Fears

    We’re always told to face our fears.  Of course, it’s easier said than done.  When we are unable to face our fears does that make us a coward?  The last thing we want is for our families, friends, or even strangers to think poorly of us.  After all, we have our reputation to protect, right?…

  4. Where Should I Invest?

    “Where should I invest” is one of the most common questions people ask me. It seems simple enough, but it’s really a loaded question.  Honestly, I could lose my license by answering the question before gathering more information from a person.  Ethically, and legally as I am a fiduciary, your best interest is my top…

  5. Tithing, Loving Yourself, and Financial Planning

    Financial Planning:  Tithing At church we recently started a sermon series on love.  If you’ve ever been to a wedding, then you know the go-to book in the Bible for discussing love is 1 Corinthians 13.  As I listened, I found it interesting how love works in our financial situation as well. Sure, it’s easy…

  6. When Should You Invest?

    “When should I invest?”  That is one of the first questions I’m asked when I tell people I am a CFP® Professional.  Of course, they are asking from an economic view hoping to maximize their return on investment.  Unfortunately, I cannot give them a definitive answer because I’m not a fortune teller. I’ve often wondered…

  7. Top Three Excuses People Use to Avoid Financial Planning

    There are many excuses why people avoid financial planning.  Some are very creative and way out there, but most are reasonable.  A financial planner’s job is to help the client work around their excuses and prepare for their future. As much as I hate to admit it, part of a financial planner’s job includes selling. …

  8. Capitalism in America

    Capitalism in America I recently read Capitalism in America: A History, by Alan Greenspan and Adrian Wooldbridge. Like all history books, it can be a little long, but it’s very interesting.  I always had trouble with books like this in school because there is so much information.  I love to learn, but what I found…

  9. Focus in Financial Planning

    Focus, in financial planning and in life, is one of those underrated characteristics that need attention. We live in an age where we can instantly access almost all of the world’s knowledge, yet our attention span is the shortest it has ever been.  I experience this myself because I cannot stream shows or movies on…

Jonathan Greeson is located west of 117 and south of E. Main St.
Jonathan Greeson is located west of 117 and south of E. Main St.

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100 West Main St.
Pikeville, NC 27863
