CNBC is my preferred news source, especially with it being an election year. I loathe politics, but I have to pay attention to it as a financial planner. I’m not really a fan of Donald Trump or Kamala Harris, but I would love to interview both candidates and open their eyes. CNBC’s political coverage called…
September 30th, 2024
Your Money Your Vote
June 29th, 2023
Tithing, Loving Yourself, and Financial Planning
Financial Planning: Tithing At church we recently started a sermon series on love. If you’ve ever been to a wedding, then you know the go-to book in the Bible for discussing love is 1 Corinthians 13. As I listened, I found it interesting how love works in our financial situation as well. Sure, it’s easy…
June 28th, 2022
Recession, Recession, Recession
How can we survive a recession? Did you know there is a chance of a recession looming on the horizon? If not, do you live under a rock? Depending on which channel you watch, the recession could be short or it could be the end of the world. This is why when we invest, we…
March 7th, 2022
Three Ways to Fight Inflation from Home
Inflation is nothing new. We have all heard our elders say things like, “In my day I could buy a loaf of bread for a nickel.” Nickels and other monetary units are still the same as they were then, but the purchasing power has declined. In essence, this is what inflation means. When we have…
November 24th, 2021
The Three Questions We All Ask Ourselves
Financial advisors can talk about money all day, but we really want to know about you; the client. It’s hard to help you reach your clearly defined, reasonable goals if we don’t take the time to get to know you. While financial planning is a fairly new industry, the concept is as old as mankind….
July 19th, 2021
Your Money & Modern Monetary Theory
What is Modern Monetary Theory? Honestly, I didn’t know! I kept hearing it in the news as it has become a buzzword, similar to transitory inflation. Who says the word transitory in daily life? Apparently, it means temporary. Maybe the population wouldn’t freak out if the media just said the experts believe this spike in…
February 20th, 2021
Why I Love Being a Financial Advisor in Goldsboro
It can be hard finding a financial advisor in Goldsboro and the surrounding towns in Wayne County, but I love our community. Advisors make most of their income from managing a client’s investments, so if there aren’t assets to manage, it can be difficult to make a profit. It becomes a numbers game, which leads…
December 17th, 2020
What Jesus Teaches Us About Money
What does Jesus teach us about money? Many people have attempted to tackle this subject, perhaps since the beginning of Christianity. We celebrate the Christmas season as the time when Jesus made His physical debut in our world, so I thought this would be an opportune time for me to make my first attempt to…
August 21st, 2020
The First Financial Mistake We Make
Before talking about real estate as an investment I think an important question is to ask what we do regarding our own home. Do we rent or own? The decision needs to be based on your situation, not an imaginary timeline and certainly not only on convenience. If you are starting your career, before rushing…
July 19th, 2020
The Coffee Can
Folgers coffee ran a campaign that really hit home for me and there was very little coffee involved in the commercial. The family wrote something on a piece of tape, which they stuck to the coffee can. The word on the tape was a product they desired, such as a new baseball glove, and the…