I have been getting more questions on Inherited IRAs recently. Inherited IRAs are a sad subject because death is involved. It’s not easy to solve the inherited IRA dilemma while your friend is grieving, but it is a very important service. While everyone appreciates an inheritance, managing that money is the last thing on your…
July 31st, 2024
Inherited IRAs
June 24th, 2024
Financial Planning Without Money
Can you take financial planning steps without money? “I need money to plan with before meeting with you,” is the most popular rejection I hear when I talk to people about financial planning. Granted, I am biased because I believe everyone can benefit from some financial planning, but I think that is a lame excuse….
May 29th, 2024
How do Retirement Accounts Work?
One of my dear friends asked me about retirement accounts. He didn’t want to know what we invested in, but how the system of investing works. The question was different for me because I am normally talking about our investing products, not how it all works. I’m used to seeing eyes glaze over as I…
April 29th, 2024
How Sports Betting Works
In the last blog post, we discussed the differences between sports betting and investing. I hope it helped ease your concerns on both topics. Of course, as when you try to invest on your own, it’s important that we learn some basics on sports betting. I won’t even use someone’s Netflix password because it feels…
September 29th, 2023
Strike! Strike! Strike!
Striking for independence. I’m not a fan of strikes or any protests if I’m being honest. Sure, I see their value and how they need to happen, but I wish there was a better way. With the technology we have today there has to be a more efficient way to negotiate. Please understand I am…
June 28th, 2022
Recession, Recession, Recession
How can we survive a recession? Did you know there is a chance of a recession looming on the horizon? If not, do you live under a rock? Depending on which channel you watch, the recession could be short or it could be the end of the world. This is why when we invest, we…
March 7th, 2022
Three Ways to Fight Inflation from Home
Inflation is nothing new. We have all heard our elders say things like, “In my day I could buy a loaf of bread for a nickel.” Nickels and other monetary units are still the same as they were then, but the purchasing power has declined. In essence, this is what inflation means. When we have…
January 21st, 2022
Tithing is an Investment
Financial Planning in Pikeville, North Carolina Pikeville, North Carolina is a small town with about 700 residents. Pikeville is in Wayne County, which has approximately 120,000 residents. Being a financial planner in Pikeville brings an interesting challenge because it’s not so much about having more money as it is about maximizing the money we have. …
November 24th, 2021
The Three Questions We All Ask Ourselves
Financial advisors can talk about money all day, but we really want to know about you; the client. It’s hard to help you reach your clearly defined, reasonable goals if we don’t take the time to get to know you. While financial planning is a fairly new industry, the concept is as old as mankind….