It seems today there is always a protest about something on television. I try to keep an open mind to see all perspectives and, while I agree with some protests, there are others I just don’t understand. One thing I know for sure is that we’re extremely fortunate to live in the United States. Sure,…
June 6th, 2019
In God We Trust
May 13th, 2019
Risk Avoidance
Recently, I purchased a Nintendo Switch. By no means am I a “gamer,” but I do enjoy playing games. It’s actually great exercise for my fingers, which is a bonus because I’m always looking for creative ways to do physical therapy. At $299, some may think it no big deal, but for me it was…
April 10th, 2019
The Tough Decision…Let’s Go Canes!
When working with clients on cash flow management, we talk about making the tough decision. I bring in the concept of Opportunity Cost, used by businesses to justify expenses today by showing the value they may bring tomorrow. Simply, you’re comparing what you’re giving up (money) with what you’re gaining (maybe entertainment). If the value…
February 4th, 2019
Advertising Appreciation
My sister is doing a marketing seminar later this month and I have been her consultant on the subject. As a business nerd I am interested in marketing because it is vital to the success of a business. How would the consumer know a business existed without marketing? Advertising allows us to learn about new…
December 11th, 2018
The Greatest Gift
I wrote on this subject for my Buzz Around Wayne County article, but I wanted to add to it because I am only allowed 250 words with the paper. You can see the original article on my social media pages. The Holiday Season brings a great question: Instead of buying every object our children want…
May 31st, 2016
Extra Expenses
The “Millennial” generation is often the subject of many news stories. Most of these stories shine a less than favorable light on the generation and, while I agree with these stories to a point, sometimes I think the perspective we are given of the Millennial is unfair. I did some research and, yes, there are…