Why does your credit score matter? Simply, it can help create opportunities. We can sit around complaining about how our jobs should pay us more for our entire lives. The odds are nothing will change, so we must take steps to help ourselves. Also, many of us work at small businesses where our employer cannot…
September 23rd, 2021
Why Does Your Credit Score Matter?
July 19th, 2021
Your Money & Modern Monetary Theory
What is Modern Monetary Theory? Honestly, I didn’t know! I kept hearing it in the news as it has become a buzzword, similar to transitory inflation. Who says the word transitory in daily life? Apparently, it means temporary. Maybe the population wouldn’t freak out if the media just said the experts believe this spike in…
January 20th, 2021
What to Expect From Your Financial Planner
I can preach all day about the advantages of financial planning and the need for all people to use these services. However, sometimes it helps to hear from others, so my readers will not think I’m crazy or the typical salesman just pushing their services on consumers. In a perfect world, my job wouldn’t even…
November 24th, 2020
How much should I have in an Emergency Fund during COVID-19?
How much should I have in an emergency fund during COVID-19? The normal rule of thumb for how much to have in an emergency fund is enough to cover three to six months of expenses. Let’s be honest, the COVID-19 Pandemic dislocated that rule of thumb. If you had six months of expenses and lost…
September 20th, 2020
The Cost of Finding Yourself
What does finding yourself even mean? Finding yourself seems to be a difficult task. People use the term in so many different ways that I don’t really understand it. For me, it’s easier to understand a sports team’s identity. A team embraces its identity, then works together to achieve a common goal. The difference between…
June 22nd, 2020
Once in a Lifetime…
Did you watch the SpaceX launch on May 30, 2020? I did! I know the world is hurting right now, but let’s take a moment to appreciate the magnitude of the launch. According to pre-launch interviews, SpaceX had been working toward this moment for about 20 years and it’s really just the beginning. Elon Musk,…
May 20th, 2020
Don’t Get Left Behind!
My family moved to Pikeville in 1980. My sisters were born in Florida. Dad was told that in order to meet people in Pikeville they needed to bank at a certain bank, attend a certain church, and even vote for a certain political party. I wasn’t born until 1982, so I can’t verify the story….
March 19th, 2020
Investing Like a Tortoise
Animals play a role when we talk about the stock market. If you’re a bull, or “bullish,” then you believe the markets will rise. A bear, or “bearish” investor, believes the market is going down. With the current market reactions to the Coronavirus Pandemic, I’m reminded of a story involving two other animals. Have you…
January 11th, 2020
A Matter of Time
When I study wealthy entrepreneurs of our past and present they all have one thing in common: They are experts in time management. They understand it to be their most valuable asset as we have a limited supply of time in our lives. Time management is learned well before their wealth is obtained. Hiring employees…