1. Social Media and Investment Research

    We can all agree that social media has become the Wild West of the internet.  For those of you who have never seen a Western movie, imagine cowboys playing cards in a bar.  Suddenly, one calls the other a cheater, then the table flips over and they all start shooting each other.  Thanks to my…

  2. Why Does Your Credit Score Matter?

    Why does your credit score matter?  Simply, it can help create opportunities. We can sit around complaining about how our jobs should pay us more for our entire lives.  The odds are nothing will change, so we must take steps to help ourselves.  Also, many of us work at small businesses where our employer cannot…

  3. Three Reasons Why You Need a Financial Planner

    While there are many reasons why I personally believe we all need a financial planner, there are three main reasons.  The three reasons why you need a financial planner are convenience, consistency, and the opportunity for growth.  Technology has found ways to replace many jobs and this trend will probably continue.  However, I believe these…

  4. What to Expect From Your Financial Planner

    I can preach all day about the advantages of financial planning and the need for all people to use these services.  However, sometimes it helps to hear from others, so my readers will not think I’m crazy or the typical salesman just pushing their services on consumers.  In a perfect world, my job wouldn’t even…

  5. How much should I have in an Emergency Fund during COVID-19?

    How much should I have in an emergency fund during COVID-19? The normal rule of thumb for how much to have in an emergency fund is enough to cover three to six months of expenses.  Let’s be honest, the COVID-19 Pandemic dislocated that rule of thumb.  If you had six months of expenses and lost…

  6. Do I Need a Financial Advisor?

    Yes, I believe everyone needs a financial advisor. If you are asking “Do I need a financial advisor?”… “Do I need a financial advisor” is one of those questions we ask, but never trust the answer.  People say we don’t need a financial advisor because we just need to spend less.  That’s all we do…

  7. The First Financial Mistake We Make

    Before talking about real estate as an investment I think an important question is to ask what we do regarding our own home.  Do we rent or own?  The decision needs to be based on your situation, not an imaginary timeline and certainly not only on convenience. If you are starting your career, before rushing…

  8. The Popcorn Matters

    If we can find any positive in this pandemic it would be the outpouring of support for local businesses.  One of the first things I learned in college was that 90% of the USA Economy was small businesses.  Of course, the number is probably different now as that lecture was 20 years ago, but the…

  9. Love and Money

    English was always my toughest subject in school. My struggle wasn’t really with the language, but with interpretation of what we read.  I always missed the subtle meanings of an author’s words that teachers loved putting on tests.  I would love to go back in time to ask classic authors (and artists) about our interpretations….

  10. The Entertainment Economy Continued

    Last month I claimed that we live in an entertainment economy.  Let’s expand on that as I think we need to be careful.  I’m writing to myself as well because I like to be entertained too.  As we try all of these experiences, we can start losing our value system regarding our money.  It’s easy…

Jonathan Greeson is located west of 117 and south of E. Main St.
Jonathan Greeson is located west of 117 and south of E. Main St.

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100 West Main St.
Pikeville, NC 27863
